Compete in Mini Militia . 3 team members only.
Co-Ordinators-Manas Satsangi
Anubhav Upadhyay
Bhawna Singh
Type fast and accurate to win this fierce but calculated event.
Co-Ordinators:- Vaibhav Tripathi
Ayush Sharma
Rohan Raj Singh
Participate in this one of a kind fun quiz where your creativity , out of the box thinking and memory are rewarded along with your weird sense of humor . The more you accept anti-jokes , the better your chances of winning are .
As the contest is over,here is the flash game-
The impossible quiz
C0-Ordinators:- Vaibhav Tripathi
Rohan Raj Singh
Give clues through acting or suggesting words of a movie to your partner(s).
A team can have atmost 3 members.
Co-Ordinators:- Vaibhav Tripathi
Rohan Raj Singh
Ayush Sharma
Do you have what it takes to be a Roadie?Find out!
Co-Ordinators:- Ayush Sharma
Aaditya Rai
Suvesh Tiwari
Manas Satsangi
Priyanka Singh
Discover your inner Sherlock . Search for the clues and reach the destination . Minimum 3 and Maximium 5 players.
Co-Ordinators-Vaibhav Tripathi Vijay Pathak
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Upload your selfie to our official Facebook page . Remember to only send the selfie as a message(don't post on the page wall.
Deadline is 31st march
Make memes and conquer the world . Also prove Steve Wozniak wrong.Keep it CREATIVE,ORIGINAL and HUMOROUS.
Download these templates. You can submit only one entry on either or both the templates on our facebook page (only through message,don't post on page wall).Deadline is 31st March.
PS: It's not maymay :p
Co-Ordinators- Vaibhav Tripathi Rohan Raj Singh Varun Gupta